April 24, 2019
Right now, in this place, at this time, God’s grace and mercy is for you. You are loved, agaped, and in this love, you are saved.
April 24, 2019
Right now, in this place, at this time, God’s grace and mercy is for you. You are loved, agaped, and in this love, you are saved.
April 9, 2019
It is only when we see clearly, with the eyes of a theologian of the cross, calling a thing what it is, that we can understand what the cure is.
April 2, 2019
God only cares that you are here. At the table. Celebrating with joy the fact that we are together.
March 26, 2019
Let us change our thinking, to re-orient ourselves towards God.
March 19, 2019
We have a God who desires, wishes above everything to gather us together. To demonstrate God’s love for all of us.
March 12, 2019
In Jesus our imperfection is made perfect.
March 12, 2019
Join us on this journey of Lent as we look for the ways God will restore us more fully into who God has created us to be.